Sunday, June 26, 2011

I did not realise that I exceeded my calorie intake by about 500kcal! If I carry on like this, the excess calories with be stored as body fat, if I do not use it up by exercising. Excess body fat can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and even cancers, and of course, weight gain! So, I need to cut down on my calories, or start exercising more!

What is more shocking is that I exceeded my recommended amount of total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol by 27%, 74% and 167% respectively. How can it be?! I thought it was rather healthy! A high fat and cholesterol diet will increase the my risk of heart disease in the future. I better remind my mum to buy low fat milk for breakfast. I think I will avoid eating the egg yolk in my tea egg in future, and fried bee hoon will have to go, to be replaced by bee hoon in soup. I already removed the skin and excess fat when eating my soya sauce chicken. I think I must recommend the use of lean meat to cook the soup instead of pork ribs.

AAAH! My sodium intake was 3 times my RDA! Excess sodium is known to increase blood pressure, and hence increase the risk of getting stroke and heart attacks. I must tell my helper to put less salt when cooking. Maybe wwe should stop eating soya sauce chicken, and use some natural herbs and spices to marinate it instead. The gterriyaki sauce in the grilled salmon I ate could be replaced by natural seasoning like lemon juice. Rather than using dried shrimps when stir-frying the cabbage, we could use simple garlic as a substitute.

I didn't eat enough fibre either! I could have ordered a green leafy vegetable in addition to my fried bee hoon, and eat a fruit, such as watermelon or an apple after dinner. I could even have had a salad instead of the Japanese cracker for my tea break. This will ensure I have at least 2 servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

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